Project Tango is a smartphone and tablet project by Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects group (ATAP), formerly a division of Motorola.
A prototype is an Android smartphone-like device which tracks the 3D motion of the device, and creates a 3D model of the environment around it. ATAP has 200 prototype development kits which will be distributed to developers by mid-March 2014.
The company plans to produce about 4,000 prototype tablets in June, then furnish them to developers. The device would come with a 7-inch screen, two back cameras and infrared depth sensors.
Development collaborators span nine countries and include Bosch, Bsquare, CompalComm, ETH Zurich, Flyby, George Washington University, MMSolutions, Movidus, University of Minnesota MARS Lab, JPL, Ologic, OmniVision, Open Source Robotics Foundation, Parascosm, and Sunny Optical Technology.
source : Wikipedia
the project is very interesting